Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Video captures terrified travellers running for their lives through Istanbul airport moments before suicide bomb

More than 36 people have been killed and a further 147 wounded in an attack at Istanbul's Ataturk Airport which saw three suspected Islamic State (Isil) radicals arrive in a taxi and detonate explosives after they had opened fire.

Watch Video 1 & 2 below:

Scroll down to watch  video 2

Video footage emerged from inside the airport showing travellers running through the terminal moments before an explosion, thought to be a suicide bomb.

Video 2

Defence Secretary Philip Hammond said he was "shocked" by the incident and that "we stand ready to help."

Turkish prime minister Binali Yildirim has said there are foreigners are among the victims and called for "global co-operation" in tackling terrorism.

He branded the atrocity a "heinous planned attack that targeted innocent people" and said it appears Isil was behind it.

"The findings of our security forces point at the Daesh organisation (Isil) as the perpetrators of this terror attack," he said. "Even though the indications suggest Daesh, our investigations are continuing."
Prime Minister David Cameron described the terrorist attack as "hideous."

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